Sunday, April 6, 2008

NPR Tried to Kill my Friend

I have always been unexplainably wary about National Public Radio (hereafter to be referred to as NPR) but my worst nightmares about this evil were confirmed when they tried to kill my friend Cheyney.

As far as I can see, the only saving grace for NPR is David Sedaris but anyone who knows David Sedaris knows that he doesn't drive. So, listening to NPR while sleepy is not hazardous to his health -- it was to Cheyney's.

She had unwisely chosen NPR over booty music (her term, not mine) and was lulled to sleep for a nano-second by the intellectual conversation on her radio whilst driving. Details aside -- she careened into another vehicle. No one was hurt, but how much do you wanna bet that NPR is not sending a card around its offices for its employees to sign wishing her car a speedy recovery?

In conclusion... when driving in your car we have learned a vital lesson to listen to tunes rather than mind-enriching materials. Sir Mix-a-Lot did not spend hours writing and in the studio producing quality hits like "Baby Got Back" to have you fall asleep at the wheel -- he spent them so you could ROCK!


cheyney webb said...

Thanks for the recognition. Luckily I survived NPR's sneaky attack but let this be a lesson to all. Really, you are so witty. You need to write for our blog too.

the mccollums... said...

Oh...get better soon Cheyney..."baby Got back" ha ha...seriously, today we were driving across florida in the rain and in slow moving traffic and what does my husband but on nothing but ESPN talk radio and some old guy was talking about great baseball players of the 20's...YAWN YAWN is what I said...who cares give me some tunes, baby!!

Ryan said...

I looked at the schedule and "All Things Considered" was on at the time of the accident. So add these three to the list of people dead to me:
112.Robert Siegel
113.Michele Norris
114.Melissa Block

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