Sunday, May 18, 2008


Today is the day we decided to put the crib together. We got it last weekend, but this was the first time that we've been in the right mindset. We wrapped up my bed that was in the guest bed room and put it in the attic. Luis and I then got all of the pieces out and I tried to be helpful, but the combination of the 2 dogs and me (who doesn't even really read the directions) in the room led my genius constructor husband to kick out anyone who did not have a Colombian birth certificate so that he could work his magic in peace.
So I went to fold laundy and in no time he came out of the room and said, "I quit -- I'm not doing that thing". I tried to find out what the problem was and he said "Go see if you can figure out those directions" (just a reminder that I don't read directions and I'm not sure that I could find the tools if I were asked). I walked in and there it was in all of its glory:

Now.. we just need to know what this creature is so that we can buy the bedding. Fun times.


the mccollums... said...

oh ahhhh....what a sweet, sweet...makes me want to tear up!! :) How are you feeling these days? I can't wait for the baby news!!! :) I have a feeling this is just the beginning to many BABY BLOGS!!!

Ryan said...

Looks good!

Judy said...

How fun!!! The good times are just beginning! Good thing you got that crib up now. I remember being very pregnant and trying to put ours together with my mom. Pregnant bellies and projects like that just aren't a good mix! I can't wait to see the room when it's all done!!

cheyney webb said...

I dont read directions either!!! What a great bed. Great purchase. I cant wait to help put the nursery together.

Thanks for the yummy dinner and movie!