Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Various Life Successes

This week has been a busy one as it is wrap up time. The last day of school for the kids is next Tuesday. Usually one to be bogged down in all of the paperwork, I thought it was time for a little "Go me, it's your birthday" time (no it's not really my birthday).

Those of you who did not have the pleasure of knowing me in the prime of my high school time might not know a little known fact about me. My mother discovered it so I can't take total credit but, I THRIVE on check off lists. I don't just do what I need to do, I do it fast and well. When mom needed me to clean my room, she would write a point by point list of everything that needed to be done and I would jet through it so that I could check things off.

Well, Cecelia Chapman (principal to the stars) has very possibly been talking to my mother because amidst all of the paperwork and due dates she inserted a check off list. Not to brag (well, kind of to brag) here is a little taste of the mic I've been rocking this week:

1.Report cards were due to our evaluator by May 27th (yesterday) and contrary to popular rumor my evaluator did NOT rip up my comments -- in fact she loved every one of them. Rock on me.

2. Data capture (which is essentially all of the overall data for each kid inputed in an annoying computer progam) is due June 2nd. Guess who turned hers in yesterday along with the hard to print excel sheet. Yeah, that would be me again. Go me!

3. My glorious and magnificent TA's evaluation is due May 30th and I finished it yesterday and had it on her desk for a nice early morning perusal. I even had it in an evelope that said "TA evaluation. Please look over and let me know if you have any questions. Cliff notes: you suck". See what I did there? Efficiency AND humor. Give me a C, Give me and H, Give me a R-I-S-T-Y!

4. Kindergarten graduation is Friday. In the program I am going to read predictions about what I think each kid will grow up to be. Any guesses when those were done? Um, people who guessed a month ago were correct! I am not joking, I am really that great.

I'm not going to lie, there have been many more amazing feats of educational excellence --I've been a regular machine. These are just a few inspirations to whet your appetite. If a barefoot and pregnant girl like myself (yes I really am barefoot) can accomplish so much in so little time, just imagine what an abled-bodied one like you could do.

Go on. Keep your feet on the gound, but keep reaching for the stars!


the mccollums... said...

ok, you have just crushed all my dreams of becoming the 2008 Teacher of the Year award!! Geez, you are so wonderful and not only prompt but early in all your expected due dates! Wow...

Judy said...

There are days when I really miss teaching, but after reading everything you've just had to do I'm not missing it so much right now. I'll just try to be happy with my laundry and my house full of kids!

cheyney webb said...

You are amazing. What a big check off list to complete. I bet the children loved their future occupations. Was Max a OB doc since he can read ultra sounds and knows your baby is a girl?

Ryan said...

Man you are taking blogging to a higher level with he color fonts. Good job on the teaching feats, teacher of the year.