Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ragin' against the beautiful mind

On Saturday night we went out with our favorite dates Ryan and Cheyney... Che and I are a pretty established couple since we lived through the dramatic 9th and 10th grades together (and had crushes on 2 of the same boys but never were dumb enough to do anything mean about it)but it was fun to have the husbands involved.
We ate at this yum-tastic resturant that Ryan found confusing because of the hype/trendy vibe mixed with plain older customers and the great presentation of food backdropped by the bottle of 401 on the counter. Our waitress, Amelia, had a carefully assembled outfit consisting of a sparkly black bikini top under her barely buttoned blouse. It was a wild thing to behold because her outfit didn't really match her innocent personality so I'm assuming the rest of her buttons popped off of her shirt while bringing our heavy drinks and she was wearing the bikini top because it was laundry day?!

After we ate, we went back to Ryan and Cheyney's love den and played a rematch of RAGE the most fun card game in recent memory that I have absolutely no idea how to score -- that's why I pick smart friends. Above you will see a paper that looks like something that the guy from A Beautiful Mind would've written on the windows, but it is the score paper. As you can see, Luis dominated -- Velasquezes representing!


Unknown said...

What a fun night! I love that the score sheet made your blog! It really doesn't make sense. Maybe Luis didn't win and I was the real winner?

Ryan said...

A wonderful recap.

Way to beat us in the end. It's very hard to have a large competitive ego and a less large ability. Thanks for putting up with me. You are a pleasure to play against, and we should rematch...

the mccollums... said...

ha...i love to follow your social outing stories!! :) i hate when you are out with your husband and some stanky girl is the server...like where is he suppose to look when he is ordering??! geez, women, put some clothes on...just because you have it doesn't mean you can flaunt it in front of us (with our husbands seated next to us).

PS: i am very impressed with the score-keeper...sorry my passion above overshadowed my impressivness. :)