Aside from getting a good high-five and a "you are such a punk" from my husband, I don't know what I expected from my fighting-for-the-rights-of-greatfulness post but I sure got something stirred up. I am happy to report for the sake of human decency that overwhelmingly the response was supportive -- and believe that Kathryn and I loved reading all of the feedback the next day at school. I appreciate Ridge and Wendy offering to meet me at the aforementioned flagpole if needed (especially kind since we've never even met face to face and I could really turn out to be a total wimp that wouldn't be able to pull my weight if that ungrateful little girl did decide to throw down).
I am sad to report that despite my (what I thought) clearly outlined argument for thankfulness which I generously provided in a numbered fashion, the girl at the root of this topic replied that she did not appreciate my comments and that she thought I was being unkind. Clearly this girl is beyond any help that I can offer her. Which brings me to the lesson I learned out of all of this: not everybody is out to be a quality person.
Some people have been taught that they are the one who is right and anyone who tells them that they are wrong is just trying to hold them down. You see this even as early as Kindergarten. Some kids get in trouble and instead of getting them in trouble, the parents look for why it was not their fault. As soon as I read her reply, I could imagine her in Kindergarten with her mom scooting her fanny-pack to the back so that she could really have a go at the teacher who complained that her daughter cut other children's hair -- when clearly, the children's hair was too long.
So, to wrap up this lesson, I just want to say that I learned a lesson in being open to what people say about you -- but I learned a bigger lesson about pearls and swine. I know what I had to say was braziliant -- next time I'll save my genius for someone who can appreciate it. I mean, what did I expect: a choir to bust out "Just As I Am" and ungrateful idiot girl to have a revival? I guess a girl can dream!
I love a good pearls before swine reference!! It is true; not everyone cares about being nice or even gracious or especially thoughtful. Sigh.... Adding to the great Linus adage from the Great Pumpkin story, there are now four things you cannot discuss with people: politics, religion, the Great Pumpkin, or personal accountability.
People seriously have entitlement issues in this country. It's such an American thing and it definitely drives me crazy! Good for you giving her a dose of the truth, even if it didn't sink in! Maybe she should go have her baby in India or Kenya and then see how she feels!!
i think that is so funny that you wrote a comment and then she replied!! Ha ha...I found myself doing that on article a couple weeks ago after the whole Palin lipstick jargin...ugh, it was getting me kinda mad...but to my dismay no reply. Daniel did that last night too....isn't that so funny that we feel comfortable behind out computers...I am so glad that you told her what was up! I would have taken your back at the flagpole had so offered to meet you there! :)
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