Friday, October 31, 2008

Pregnancy Update

Judy, this one's for you.

I chose this picture because that cute little thing holding his heart on the front row is 1/2 of the DNA involved in this pregnancy update -- preschool age.

So I look like I'm ready to pop but apparently there has been ZERO dialation -- even though he's a big boy and size-wise already in the 90th percentile. I'm waiting patiently because it seems like my boy is just smart enough to know what is good. He doesn't really have to worry about anything right now. He's comfy, he's fed, and all he has to concentrate on is getting bigger and bigger.
In other pregnancy news, the mother-in-law arrives on Wednesday so we had a cleaning lady come and clean the house today. WONDERFUL idea. I walked in and since I am not accustomed to leaving a grody house and walking back into a clean house I walked around like I was in a daze seeing what someone else was able to do in a few hours. If I had even sort of approached the cleaning greatness that this lady was able to achieve I would have been too wiped out to be able to enjoy it. So, here goes a shout out to Barbara for reminding me how good my house can look!

In still other pregnancy news, the dogs went for a bath today -- for the same reason we had the house cleaned. The mother-in-law is a fun one, but not such a fan of dirty things so even though they don't bother us I'm sure she would've been calling them names in spanish (which she still will do but probaby b/c they will get on her nerves). Now, at least the spanish names will be about my clean dogs instead of my dirty ones.

Anyway, the boy will be hatched any minute now and we are so excited to meet him and we just hope that we can do a good job teaching him to be a sweet, caring, smart, funny, creative, analytical, imaginative, thoughtful, sincere little creature -- no sweat, huh!


Erin McG said...

Yay for a clean home that you didn't have to slave over!! I remember being 9 months pregnant mopping up the kitchen floor on my hands and knees. NOT FUN!! That pic of your dog couldn't be cuter and the one of your hubby is sweet too :). Enjoy the last few days of quiet and solitude. It will all end soon but will be MORE than worth it!

Ryan said...

What a cute picture. Great seeing you both last night!

cheyney webb said...

I vote for more featured youngster pics of the both of you! Oh so cute. 3 cheers for clean!

Carol said...

Can't wait to hear the news!!! So excited for you! Loved your post! I LOVE how you write! Always me laugh! Keep us posted!

the mccollums... said...

too funny, my friend!! I love that you are enjoying these last couple of days in sheer cleanliness! You deserve it...I wonder if I have to wait to be 9 months pregnant for such a nice gift!! :) I will be praying for you in the days to you!!

Judy said...

Thanks for the update Christy, but from what I just read on Jamie's blog congratulations are in order. I'm so excited that he's finally here! I pray that things went smoothly and that it was quick. I hope your little guy is healthy and strong. Update when you can. I can't wait to see him!! Praying for you!