Monday, January 21, 2008


Every Sunday on the way to church in Burlington we pass the sign that lets us know what the current lottery jackpot is and almost everytime, Luis and I go through our lists of what we'd do if we won. Not that we've ever had a chance of winning since the only tickets we've ever bought were the time that the jackpot was like 320 million and that was Luis buying.

Since we pass it every Sunday, we have gotten pretty good at shooting through our lists, but I'm curious what your list would be. And seriously? Unless you'd really go running over to Namibia with a pile of money in your hands for water treatment programs don't put it -- I'll already very impressed with you as a person :) I'll admit that I sure haven't thought of that one time passing the sign.

So, leave me a comment telling me your list. I'm not going to let you win or anything, but maybe I'll beef up my own list or maybe I'll get a little insight into you.


the mccollums... said...

hmm...what would i do??? pay off debt and save...just kidding thats what my husband would do. I would pay off debt and morgages and then buy one of those cruise ships that really a ship full of lux. condos that travels the world. I would live on that and keep traveling around and around.

Ryan said...

I'd be afraid because of all the horror stories I hear where people win a bunch of money get divorced go bankrupt and succumb to an Alcohol and Drug dependency alone in the gutter.

I'd try not to do that. I think I'd pay off debt, buy a house, and think it would be fun to sponsor a scholarship at a few schools. Speaking of hitting it big I did win a free 20 oz. doctor pepper last week when I twisted of the cap of a 20 oz Dr. Pepper. I'm trying to remain humble after winning it big.