Thursday, January 17, 2008

Raleigh Snow Days Explained to the Layman

We had a real Raleigh snow day today. For those of you who've never lived in Raleigh I have to tell you that it is a phenomonon like no other. The way is goes down is this:

1. A week out the weather reporters start mentioning the S word (no Thomas, not that S word it's the one that rhymes with Joe).

2. 5 minutes after the first mention people trek to the grocery stores to stock up on storm rations like canned foods and wood and water.

3. The snow trucks put down a few test layers of that magical snow and ice killing stuff that may or may not be salt.

4. The parents tell their kids that they probably won't have school the next day b/c of snow.

5. Everyone hunkers down to watch WRAL to see about the delays and closings.
The station uses hard-hitting graphics to be sure all viewers are aware of the potential dangers on and off of the road.
6. Wake County Public Schools makes sure that it is the absolute last place to make a decision.

7. They give us a 2 hour delay.

8. Nothing happens.

Then the whole thing repeats itself at least once or twice that season.
Oh, and referencing #8, obviously this picture was not from today... but you would know that if you were what I like to call a careful reader!


the mccollums... said...

oh...i'm glad that you don't have to work on Saturday...but I"m with was pathetic...and we have to do it all over again on Friday night but it should be more snow then we got this morning. So...head to the stores, stock up on whatever you have to get and brace yourself for another WINTER STORM WARNING...AKA BLIZZARD 2008!!!