Thursday, January 3, 2008

Ur on red.

So I have a list of favorite blogs that I like to visit and I noticed that when I checked one that had not been updated since January 1st, I was mentally chanting "update your blog, update your blog". Apparently that would be a case of the kettle and pot and some black cause guess when I updated my blog last... oh yes, it was the 1st. So, here I am updating since I am hoping my favorite bloggers will do the same.

So, what to tell... The one thing that happened today that was kind of funny was a little "love note" that I got from my right hand man Connor today. Preface this story in your mind with the fact that the behavior in my class is by colors: green- good day, yellow- a little note goes home explaining some silliness or talkative behavior, and red (which only 2 people have gotten all year long)- which means the kid him/herself has to call his/her parents and explain what the crap has happened to turn his/her life into this downward spiral of disaster during the day.

Well, Connor (or Bartchy as I like to call him since his last name is so much more punchy sounding) wrote me a note and folded it hand-arthritis-givingly-small. When I opened it is said "ur on red" translated: this little genius just put his teacher on RED for no reason! Ha - love the moxie. Wish I had it when I was 5!
Now, my favorite bloggers (and you know who you are) update your blogs and keep my entertained -- or else you will be on RED.


the mccollums... said...

you are hilarous!! ok, ok i'll update my blog...just kidding.
i love the cute little story...what a quick witter you have in your room no doubt he learned the quickness from his teacher...did you have a rough day is that why he put you on red?
i had that same system last year when i did kindergarten... You better call your mom and tell her why you got on red, Christy.

cheyney webb said...

You know you deserved it. haha. You really should keep a list of all the great sayings 5 year olds say. I promise that it is much more entertaining than drug seekers with chronic pain!