Sunday, January 20, 2008

Llave por la mona

A few of you might know the tale of the day I got locked out of the house in the cold with flip-flops and wet hair. Hey, just because I remember to make the kids wear their coats at school doesn't mean that I have a lick of sense in my own world!

So, I tried fruitlessly to break into the house even using the credit card trick -- nada. I tried to see if any windows were unlocked -- so much for the virtues of being responsible. I was forced to call Luis (who was working in Raleigh) and have him drive all the way home to let me in.

Lesson: I need a hidden key. Well, almost a month later it is hidden. Of course Luis (with his extensive criminal training that is standard in all elementary curriculum in Colombia) guessed right away where I put it. I don't know whether to chalk that up to me being obvious or us being married so I'm leaving it for the time being.

The good news is that I won't have to bother my dear Cheyney the next time I get locked out, the bad news is that being very aware of my absentminded characteristics (or as someone once put it "my mind being on loftier things) I'll probably forget and still have to call her. Che, remind me that I need to give you a spare because as it stands, when I call you it will be to help me break in and that can't be cheap to repair!
**Disclaimer to criminals that often read my blog as a form of recreation: don't bother to look for the key -- I'm so onto you that I've probably chickened out and brought it back inside and put it in my cobra's cage.


the mccollums... said...

tell me my friend where you store your hide-a-key?? i'm finding your hosue one day and letting myself in to help myself to a nice glass of red wine and a read from one of the classics that line your bookself. :)

the mccollums... said...

i swear i can spell...i just read the above comment...geez, i'm only a preschool teacher, what do you expect??

cheyney webb said...

Yeah~ I am glad that you will no longer have to freeze to death outside your home. However, I do look forward to having my own key so I can play with Monty the Cobra.