Monday, January 14, 2008

Salud (dinero y amor)

Well, Luis and I had a nice weekend together which is rare (the weekend part not the nice part). Usually he is working or flying and I am being worthless around the house because I'm sleeping until noon and watching episodes of MTV stuff online (since we 86ed the cable).

Not this weekend. We puttered around and ate Chinese one night and Pizza the other... heaven.

There is no one that can get under my skin like my husband, but I think that is b/c there is no one that is more like half of my brain. We are just cheeseball like that.

So, here's to cute husbands to make the rare weekends fun. And here's to the dogs who mostly stayed out of our way this weekend so we could argue and laugh and just generally experience the blessing that is time together. Salud!


the mccollums... said...

you are right, that is some quality reading...the kind that makes me just utter "ahhh" from the depths of my soul!! :)